Writing with Clarity and Precision: Tips for Creating a Knowledge Base Style Guide

Welcome knowledge base writers! Are you looking for ways to make writing knowledge base articles easier and more fun?
If so, then a knowledge base style guide is the answer. It's like having your own personal assistant providing best practices and advice on how to write a knowledge base article that is clear, concise, and engaging. Not only does this make writing these articles less daunting, but it also means readers can get the information they need quickly and easily.
So let's dive in and explore the wonders of creating a knowledge base style guide!
Understanding the Benefits of a Knowledge Base Style Guide
Writing a style guide can be a real lifesaver, especially for those of us who tend to write in a style that's less than stellar. But what many people don't realize is that these guidelines aren't just helpful - they can also be fun!
Think of style guides like that support knowledge base you can dip into at any time to make sure your writing is accurate and up to snuff. Whether you're trying to make sure your grammar is spot-on or you simply want some cool tips and tricks for expressing yourself more accurately, these guidelines have got your back every step of the way.
When it comes to knowledge bases, having a style guide is essential for consistency in articles. A knowledge base style guide is the backbone of knowledge base articles, helping make sure the content is easy to read, keeps a consistent flow and properly guides the reader from beginning to end. It includes decisions such as font size, article structure, tone of voice, writing conventions and more.
Establishing rules ensures an efficient system and knowledge base style guide provides parameters that allow knowledge base writers to strengthen an effective knowledge base with compelling content.
Elements of a Knowledge Base Style Guide
Creating a strong knowledge base is all about the details, and one of the most important of these details is having a comprehensive style guide. Here are some of the areas a style guide should cover.
Gender neutral language
Knowledge base articles should be approached with an open, objective viewpoint. Using a gender neutral language helps to maintain this neutrality and can ultimately result in more inclusive content. After all, the goal of knowledge base articles is to share information that is applicable to all genders, not a select few.
Incorporating gender neutral language into these pieces of content increases access to important information that’s helpful for everybody–not just those who identify as one gender or another! In other words, let’s make sure our knowledgebase goes beyond the binary!
Use active voice for writing instructions
When writing instructions, using active voice goes a long way in creating helpful knowledge base articles. It's definitely no fun to read through a dull, passive voice article that puts you to sleep because of its lack of vibrancy and personality.
On the other hand, active voice brings life to your words and helps put the focus on the user—not on the task. Plus, it removes all those tedious words like "should be", "must be" and even "it is" which saves time for both writer and reader!
So next time you're working on knowledge base articles remember: it's better if you Talk To People, Not Tasks.
Include examples to further explain processes/concepts
If you've ever tried explaining a difficult concept to someone, then you know how essential it is to include examples in order to ensure they fully understand. The same rule applies when writing knowledge-base articles; including use cases helps readers process and retain the concepts better.
By using an example to explain a process or concept, you are providing an avenue for them to follow. It's like giving your user a visual aid that allows them to more easily grasp the idea, as opposed to trying (and likely failing) without one.
If you're looking for something that can make your article stand out from the pack, include some concrete examples and watch your readers comprehend with ease!
Focus on formatting
From numbered lists to bulleted lists, and even unordered lists, article formatting in a knowledge base style guide serves a practical purpose; it helps make the content easier to digest for readers.
But, beyond the practical value of including numbered or bulleted sections to break up large blocks of text, or easy-to-use navigational links, there’s an artistry associated with how different ideas are connected and prioritized. In other words, article formatting isn’t just helpful – it can also be beautiful.
That’s why it needs to be taken seriously as part of any knowledge base style guide.
Improve searchability
Searching for knowledge base articles can be a time-consuming task. Thankfully, there are some simple things we can do to make it more effective and efficient.
By using key words and phrases that best capture users' searches and adding links to other help center articles or relevant external sources, we can help ensure users find the answers they need quickly and easily.
Plus, with a bit of creativity, these search aids needn't be boring - why not aim for witty statements and phrases that stand out to the user!
Add images where possible
When it comes to developing a knowledge base and style guide, there is no denying the importance of including images and visuals. After all, an image can communicate so much in one quick glance!
They can be especially helpful for when explaining complicated concepts where diagrams or charts make the material easier to digest. Include the screenshots of the user interface or just the most important UI elements to better explain the solution.
But not every situation calls for graphics; sometimes simple, straightforward text does just fine. The goal is to find a balance between visuals and text that works for your readers and subjects you're tackling. That way, you'll get an interesting write-up that captures their attention without being overwhelming.
When to Use and Not to Use a Knowledge Base Style Guide
Constructing knowledge base articles can be tricky—they need to be detailed enough that users are able to properly troubleshoot issues, but not inundated with useless information. Thus, the guidelines for your knowledge base are in place to help keep these articles on-brand and easy for users to quickly search and identify relevant solutions.
But watch out—you don't want your knowledge base style guide to become too restrictive!
Too many strict rules can work against the purpose of knowledge base articles; strangling creativity can render support material boring and unhelpful for users. Know when it's best to use a knowledge base style guide–and even more importantly, when it's best to not use one at all.
Examples of Effective Style Guides
How to articles
When it comes to effectively communicating how to do something, how to articles are a great resource. They provide step-by-step instructions that can be easily followed and understood. These how to articles don't just outline what should be done - they often provide helpful tips and advice that can help make the process easier.
What sets your how to article apart is the tone of voice you use. Make sure your article grabs readers' attention right away, engage them with step-by-step instructions that also keep them entertained by being humorous but not too casual.
Incorporate creative language and analogies throughout as you continue instruction and break up large chunks of text with appropriate visuals. Have fun while giving valuable information!
Informational articles
Informational articles are like informational superheroes: with them, you are sure to have all your knowledge-related needs sorted out. Such articles provide an invaluable tool for users, giving them access to informational topic matter in a concise and organized format.
When it comes to writing informational articles, the goal should always be achieving simple yet impactful communication. Writing in a witty and conversational tone is key, as it makes topics easily digestible and enjoyable to read. Content should stick to essentials without going into unnecessary detail: literary flourishes are only desirable when they add to the point rather than detract from it.
All informational articles should properly reference external materials, with links provided wherever applicable. In order for a knowledge base to remain accurate and up-to-date, these articles need to be regularly revised if possible - providing users with the best experience possible.
A good informational article style guide might include elements like:
- an emphasis on clarity over jargon;
- the use of third person language whenever possible;
- straightforward headlines;
- plenty of subheadings for easier skimming;
- and a light-hearted tone to keep readers engaged.
Consider this your go-to instruction manual for creating concise informational pieces your readers won't forget!
Troubleshooting articles
Looking at troubleshooting articles can feel like wading through a swamp of jargon with no end in sight. When writing them, it's important to make sure that the knowledge base is both comprehensive and accessible to even the most novice of users!
The best way to do this is by getting specific: for example, include error messages, UI elements, and other relevant information that will help readers quickly identify and troubleshoot potential problems.
Troubleshooting articles might not be the most glamorous type of writing out there, but they can mean the difference between a successful product and one doomed to repeat mistakes over and over again.
When it comes to writing a knowledge base article, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Every team should create a bespoke guide that reflects their individual preferences and needs. That being said, some common elements should be present in every knowledge base style guide:
- keeping the language clear and concise,
- providing helpful visuals whenever possible,
- and sticking to the essentials at all times.
Writing a style guide for knowledge bases can be a daunting task, but it's one that pays off in the end: when done correctly, knowledge bases are invaluable tools for creating content that resonates with readers and helps them understand complex topics quickly and easily. With the right guide in place, writers can achieve clarity and precision in their writing, no matter the audience or subject.
In conclusion, following a knowledge base style guide helps teams create content that's both concise and clear, allowing readers to quickly find the information they need - making knowledge bases an essential resource in any business. It's worth taking the time to get it right!
If you want to make sure your knowledge base is up to par, why not give KnowledgeBase a try? We're offering 14 days of free trial for you to test out our platform. With powerful search and analytics tools, plus easy-to-use knowledge management features, you can ensure that your users have the best possible experience with your knowledge base. Sign up now and get writing!